Day 33: Write-umentary

Additional word count (+/- with a few edits to previous):

Word challenges added into scenes:
Wonga (ha!)

Total word count to-date:
64,056 (81% done with this story!)

Winn and Mac have somewhat reverse roles. When she pisses him off, he goes silent. Because he goes silent. She does. What ends up is a long winded ‘fight’ without a single word uttered. If only their pride didn’t prevent them from communicating! 😉

Time allotted to writing:
~3 hours total in three parts 🙂

Completed :
Ch. 24 – done
Ch. 25 – done
CH. 26 – 25% done

Favorite line(s):

“Wow, Mac. I didn’t know you didn’t know. Everybody knows. Or maybe it’s everybody is in the know. Or everyone who needs to know knows?”