Who was the ‘hot teacher’ at LJ Clarkson’s high school?

There was a hot teacher … her/his name was …
I feel so cheated on this! I never had any attractive teachers at high school. They were all old and cragged. We did have one teacher, who kind of reminded me of Jabba the Hut the way he would like his lips all the time, and he used to stick his hand under his jeans belt like Al Bundy from Married With Children. Very creepy.
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If I could do it all again, I would …
I think a lot of your readers are going to want to shake me for saying this. But I had a bad panic attack in my final year exam for mathematics and I froze up, unable to figure out how to start the problems. I think I wrote a few numbers on my page and that was it, so I failed even though I studied like mad in preparation for it. If I could, I’d like to go back and blitz it.
__________ kisses like a ____________
My dogs kiss my face, or I should say slurp my face, like some of my teenage boyfriends. Hehe the poor guys just had no clue about technique. I hope they’ve perfected it since!
There is no better class than _____________
While I really enjoyed English and creative writing, because I love telling stories, and the class was always entertained by the humorous outbursts of our cranky teacher at mischievous students, it sadly came second to chemistry. Not for the content, but because of the cool experiments our substitute teacher used to show us. Like dropping potassium in water and watching it fizz and spark. There were a few close calls: small explosions, darkened demonstration benches, but no injuries thankfully. In fact, this teacher is the inspiration for Isabelle’s teacher in my book. How terrible that things like that stick in my mind more than chemical bonds haha!
I will never, ever, ever do ____________________ again.
I’ve never lived this down since University, and the tale was even told at my 21st birthday. I will never try to be teacher’s pet ever again. When I was studying Solid, Liquid and Gas Waste Management, our lecturer and course coordinator took us on a field trip to some closed down gold mines to show us the tailings dump (where all the processed soil and chemicals go once they’ve extracted the gold). On the walk back, we crossed a paddock, and the teacher mentioned something neat about the mushrooms in the grass. So I innocently picked one up and gave it to him. But under the hood of the mushroom there was clumps of maggots and half eaten, squishy, moldy mushroom ewww!
Now, before we get to the last question, let’s look at LJ Clarkson’s book …
Ever since twelve year old Isabelle Tresdon’s silver strand of hair sprouted, it’s been nothing but trouble: bleeding pink dust and sparking like a firecracker. Refusing to be known as the girl with the freaky, grandma hair, she wishes it never grew and the hair withers and tarnishes.
The only problem is, the strand is Isabelle’s source of magic, and she can transform particles of energy into matter. It’s also her ticket into Mastermind Academy, a secret school inside the earth’s core. Five days remain before the strand drains her magic and life, forcing Isabelle to enter into a deal with two trickster Masterminds to save it. But what she doesn’t count on is that there is more at stake than just her life.
The Silver Strand is book 1 in the Mastermind Academy Series.
Favorite one-line review about the book
With charm, wit and laugh-out-loud dialogue and prose, Clarkson has created a story that is destined to become a favorite for middle grade and pre-teen readers!
Favorite 6 sentences from the book
“Roasting you for two hours will do the trick.” The dragon’s tail prodded logs deeper into the fire. “Your flesh shall be just the way I like it: juicy and tender, not crispy and burnt.”
Pressure in Isabelle’s chest squeezed the breath right out of her. Charcoal tore across the sheet, shading his angular face and horns.
The dragon sharpened his sapphire-blue talons against a rock.
or find it on Goodreads
But before you go, one last question …
If my parents knew I did ____________________, they’d have grounded me forever.
Geez Em *nervous laughter* you ask some tricky and embarrassing questions! Back in my late teens I challenged two friends to a shot-drinking contest. The winner claimed all the glory. The losers had to do a nudey run in socks. Suffice to say, I lost (I like to think I was clever and bowed out to avoid ending up a mess), and there is video footage that exists of me running around in my underwear!
Congratulations, LJ! Good luck with BOOK!
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