The Circle author, Cindy Cipriano, dared her friends to run over to the golf course to …

For The Circle author Cindy Cipriano, nothing’s better than being on the _________ team
Track team. I had a blast as a runner on the track team.
If that doesn’t get you interested in this author, check her out at all these other places:
Go ____________!
Hornets! Yes, hornets. Don’t know if that’s because we were as mean as a hornet, or what. School colors black and gold.
My other car was a ________________
Camry. Always a Camry. They are great cars!
There was a hot teacher … her/his name was …
Um, that would be guidance counselor. His name was Mr. Miller 🙂
Nerd? Geek? Jock? Snob?
Nerd. Still am!
If I could do it all again, I would …
Best part of high school – my friends, many of whom are still in contact.
Now, before we get to the last question, let’s look at Cindy Cipriano’s book …
Calum Ranson is sure of three things: his cousin Finley is alive, Calum will find him, and no one knows Calum and his family are Sidhe. No one until Laurel shows up at his mother’s bookstore wearing a dark clan’s mark.
When Calum learns the details surrounding the disappearance of Laurel’s brother, he suspects the evil Hobayeth clan. Calum and Laurel work together in the Realm of Man and the Otherworld to rescue her brother – revealing a connection between Calum and Laurel that may cost Finley his life.
Favorite one-line review about the book
“The lore combined with all the tragedy, action and intensity make this book truly enjoyable.” Bookmarks, Spoilers and Happily Ever After
Favorite 6 sentences from the book
“Calum Ranson was sure his cousin Finley was alive, and Calum knew he would be the one to find him. After all, it was his fault Finley disappeared in the first place. Calum recalled that day, his hands rising automatically to rub a stinging in his eyes that had long since faded. He paused briefly, before a gentle tug reminded him they were running late.
He (Calum) wanted to know more about Laurel, and her interest in faeries. Or maybe he just wanted to know more about her.”
or find it on Goodreads
But before you go, one last question …
Remember …. in band camp …?
That time we dared each other to run over to the nearby golf course and . . .
Congratulations, Cindy! Good luck with The Circle!
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