I – means first person perspective
Ever read a book, open the pages and feel like the narrator is telling you HIS or HER story? That’s the first person perspective in writing. If you open a book and read he said and she said and instead of where you might find ‘I’ you find a person’s name, that’s third person perspective.
What’s the benefit of one over the other? Maybe nothing. Maybe lots. People have their preferences in reading material as well as how they write.
I write in two different ways. For the young adult crowd, I write in 1st person, telling the story from one and only one character’s perspective.
For my other me, writing for the adult romance audience, I write in third person and switch back and forth, back and forth and back and forth from his and her perspectives. Yes, I could do this in first person, but it’s much more fluid that way in 3rd.
What I like about first person is that I can get deep into the character development for one singular character. I can get to know them and let them really tell their story vs. telling it for them in 3rd person.
Now to the reader, this probably has limited meaning. To a writer, it means a lot. To me, it separates my younger (less in your face and less open and descriptive with certain *ahem* scenes and language) from my older writing. So if you pick up a book and see it in 3rd person … please be 18 to read it. 🙂 But if you see one written in 1st person … well then go for it! That’ll be the big distinction for me as a writer.
The challenge then is to remember which one I’m writing. 😉
How about you? Do you prefer writing one type vs another? How about reading?